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The opening rate of the weaving industry continues to decline
Release date: [2024/8/5]  Read total of [102] times

The opening rate of the weaving industry continues to decline

Recently, the export of textiles and clothing is not smooth, and the probability of opening the weaving industry has declined continuously. About to enter the traditional textile season, although just need orders still exist, but the overall single quantity is limited, the large single is still missing, the market as a whole is still small single, scattered single, or the upstream raw material polyester filament factory inventory again pressure.

Terminal weaving factory grey fabric sample enterprise inventory days increased, compared with the same period in previous years there is still a gap, the factory clearance intention increased, most factories open less than half of the probability, only at a low level to maintain production, raw material stock more according to the purchase, the market inventory production intention decreased significantly compared with previous years. However, the overall off-season atmosphere of the market continues, and it is expected that the inventory of weaving manufacturers will continue to rise again next week.

Promote the technological transformation and green development of the textile industry

On July 25, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance issued a notice on Strengthening Support for large-scale equipment renewal and Several measures for replacing old consumer goods with new ones, proposing to coordinate the arrangement of about 300 billion yuan of ultra-long-term special Treasury bonds to support large-scale equipment renewal and replacing old consumer goods with new ones. Relevant media reported that the implementation of the policy is expected to promote the technological transformation and green development of the textile industry.

The introduction of several measures to support large-scale equipment renewal and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones is of great significance to the technological transformation, green development and consumption upgrading of the textile industry, and is expected to bring new development opportunities for the textile industry.

At present, the domestic and foreign cotton prices are falling, and the supply and demand of the global cotton market are loose. The weather in domestic and foreign producing areas is better, the US cotton production is estimated to increase significantly, and the domestic market supply and demand are also loose. On the demand side, the United States cotton export sales net reduction, China's cotton industrial and commercial inventories fell but yarn and grey fabric inventory climbed, textile enterprises accumulated inventory, clothing exports fell, domestic sales fell, autumn and winter orders issued a small number. The United States cotton signing strength is different, Zheng cotton sales base is stable, cotton yarn market orders are insufficient.

Short-term cotton prices or a small rebound, but medium-term cotton prices are still under pressure, need to continue to pay attention to market changes. However, before the market starts, with the support of favorable policies, enterprises can increase large-scale equipment updates, technological transformation and skill upgrading to wait for the arrival of the peak season.

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